Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Don't Want To Say Good-Bye

Over a week ago Brother Colombo of the Abbey of Gethsemani forwarded a dozen or so photographs of Alban for inclusion on this web page. The time since has been spent trying to best determine how to present them with the most profound impact - a manner in which both Alban's loving life and his solemn passing can be most effectively communicated and lucidly understood.

Perhaps this creative insecurity and its resultant delays to this posting were a blessing, for Brother Colombo has since created a video from those images that does more to capture the emotions of those photographs than anything we could have conjured here. Please enjoy this brief retrospective of Uncle Tom and join us in thanking Colombo for all of his efforts. May God Bless you Brother.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Midnight Viewing and Mid-Day Beauty

Additional photos from the funeral weekend as taken by Chuck, or should I say, the new Mr. Mary Kelly. (I'd like to think Alban would have found that amusing....).
Here are Chuck's comments regarding his pictures and the visit's events....
"...(showing) the family gathering and emotions and the surreal nature of each day. One brother, while reading psalms on Saturday morning, shared how much Alban loved thunderstorms. What a fitting celebration he received with intense lightening and thunder throughout the night on Friday. Then on Sunday as he laid at rest, the sun shown most brilliantly mirroring Brother Alban... bright and cheerful!"

Mary and her brother Friday evening

Mary and Mark by Alban's side at midnight

The view from Alban's window

The southern view from the Monastery